Potterton's Nursery

Our exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show

We are a traditional, family run specialist nursery established in 1971 which grows and supplies an extensive selection of Alpines, Dwarf Bulbs and woodland plants by MAIL ORDER and at the many shows we attend throughout the UK, or directly from our nursery. Winners of 7 Chelsea Gold medals and many other awards. Open Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm, March to October.



Plant Orders for Collection

Plants can be collected at any of the shows we attend, please give us at least 3 days notice. Orders can be made at our web site, by email or by phone - see below. 

Instagram: @pottertons_nursery


Growing Alpines in Troughs

A Guide to Growing Alpines, Dwarf Bulbs and Woodland Plants

Rob and Jackie Potterton
Pottertons Nursery
Moortown Road
Market Rasen
Lincoln LN7 6HX
07507 770728
Email Website Facebook
Our exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show
Our exhibit at Chelsea Flower Show
Our Sales Area
Our Sales Area
Colchicum speciosum album
Colchicum speciosum album
Gentiana acaulis
Draba rigida var bryoides compacta
Crocus tommasinianus in our garden